Fierce Beliefs
Our early childhood education approach is influenced by project based learning, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, Montessori, and various other educational philosophies. We believe in employing a curriculum that is inclusive and that allows our young child the flexibility to emerge in her or his own learning and grow socially as a strong, able bodied, intentional human being. We encourage individual expression through art, movement, gardening and digging in the earth, as well as through music, dance, song, poetry and imaginative play, while supporting social emotional development and relationship building. We believe children will grow to be brave, compassionate, and action oriented, and to think critically and creatively about the world around them when given the space to unfold.
Children and our connection always come before curriculum.
Picked With Care
Our program celebrates a range of educational philosophies without claiming allegiance to any single one. We believe that too many factors come into play when discerning what must be learned and the best way to teach a room full of individual children. We prefer the freedom and challenge of answering the question "What do children need?" to the prepackaged certainties of an educational dogma.
Emergent Curriculum
At Artenia Beast, the curriculum emerges from students' ideas about how to apply the skills and knowledge they master. Inventive projects allow students and teachers to collaborate to keep learning meaningful. The classroom environment and the curriculum is forged from children’s questions as curiosity is chased. Teachers bring in tools, supplies, and lessons with a plan to support children in their quest for answers. Classroom projects and interests connect the various academic subject areas with discovery tables, invitations and project stations showing their real world application.
Diversity & Social Justice
We celebrate the cultural diversity of our learning community and our city. We strive to create an environment that includes inclusivity, belonging, cultural sensitivity, and social justice. Our children are encouraged to exercise agency and celebrate diversity at school that supports belonging, being and becoming while it supports positive community building.
Gender Equity
Our program brings great intention to ensuring students are provided lessons, role models, and literature that portray human roles equally as protagonists, and that portray women, men and non binary as brave, adventurous, heroic, gentle, loving, mischievous, and spirited.
Children will learn to build effective relationships, resolve conflicts, manage stress, embrace diversity, and work together. This education is infused in literature and daily lessons but is also taught through the act of strong community building. Our community circles each day offer opportunity to connect, work through hard moments, and commit to the work of honoring one another.
Eight principles have guided the development of this curriculum framework. Grounded in early childhood research and practice, the following eight principles emphasize offering young children individually, culturally, and linguistically responsive learning experiences and environments:
Relationships are central.
Play is a primary context for learning.
Learning is integrated.
Intentional teaching enhances children’s learning experiences.
Family and community partnerships create meaningful connections.
Individualization of learning includes all children.
Responsiveness to culture, gender identity, and language supports children’s learning.
Time for reflection and planning enhances teaching.
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